Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Top Five Sources of New and Information

With the continuous rise of technology, gathering information is easier than ever. Through the access of various media platforms obtaining knowledge and hearing multiple perspectives on various topics is not difficult to obtain. I particularly enjoy staying up to date on current events in our world as well as topics related to psychology, science, history, and so much more. I trust that all of the sources I utilize and the information I obtain are reliable as I check the credibility of each source noting any biases that may arise. With that said, my top five sources of news and information included The Journal, Fox News, TED Talks Daily, Instagram, and TikTok. Each of these sources allows me to stay up-to-date and informed within our world.

The Journal is a podcast that I listen to daily. As a co-production of Spotify and The Wall Street Journal, it is a podcast about business, technology, and finance covering various topics. Lately, it has been covering a lot of politics with the upcoming election however it also covers a broad range of topics which I enjoy as I like learning about various topics. Each episode is about fifteen to twenty minutes so it’s perfect to listen to as I get ready for the day. It sets up my mornings with a nice overview of current event topics and what I should be aware of currently in our world.

Similar to "The Joumal" I listen to the Fox News run down most mornings. I have a hard time tuning into a regular news station at times however I am still interested in knowing what is going on around me and staying up to date in the world. The Fox News Run Down fits great into my daily routines as each episode is about fifteen to thirty minutes each so I am able to hear a quick gist of the news. Each episode is broken up into different sections starting with an introduction followed by the current top news stories covering politics, economics, and other current events. Some episodes also include commentary from varying speakers. Overall, it provides listeners with an overall concise overview of current news and information.
I have always enjoyed listening to TED Talks so when I came across TED Talks Daily I added it to my Spotify library immediately. I listen to this podcast when I am in the car driving places or doing tasks throughout the day. It educates me on various topics acting as a well-rounded information source. I know the information is trustworthy and very informative as each talk is from a different global leader and intellectual thinker. I also enjoy how this allows for multiple perspectives that I may not have considered without listening to TED Talks Daily.

I primarily use Instagram to stay up to date on my friends and family member's lives through posts however I also follow a lot of informational accounts. I can keep up with the news by following news channels including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Fox News. I follow educational pages including National Geographic and NASA. I often find out about the major headliners in our news from Instagram then research it further to learn more about it. These accounts pop up throughout my feed informing me on current events as well as suggested accounts to follow providing even more information.

While TikTok is known for being a social media page solely for entertainment purposes it also holds a great deal of news and information. Many pages on TikTok pertain to general news as well as focused areas of study. By watching short videos I am able to learn current events, social issues, history, science, lifestyle, culture, and so much more. I enjoy how the videos stay under a certain time length so that the information is easy to digest and I can switch from one topic to another. Some accounts I follow for news and information include @discovery, @doctorhoeflinger, @billnye, and many more. 

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